Thursday, September 23, 2010

Picture Day

   Today, Jaiden had her first day care/ school pictures today! It was so cute watching her play with the leaves surrounding her as the background. She is definetly one who loves the camera, she always smiles big. Jaiden is much more than just a happy baby, she is very outgoing and takes in all that is around her. Even as a two month old she couldn't sit still. I swear she is going to skip crawling and go straight to running (lol). I'm not sure how i survived the days before her. She is all i do now. Everything is for her, every smile is so she will smile back at me. Every wink so she will laugh, every picture is so when she is older she won't forget how much she was loved and how great she has been. She is my reason for getting up in the morning and not just sleeping in all day. Although if she is choosing to sleep 'til nine somedays, I might just join her for the cuddling time. :) I love you baby J! Your a beautiful GIFT from God.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First day of Daycare

   Jaiden had her first day of daycare this week. I never thought something could be so hard that it literally takes full control of my mind. All day, all i could do was sulk about how my baby girl was growing up and being trusted with someone who wasn't her Mommy or Daddy. Wondering what she was doing, how she was behaving, if she missed me as much as i had been missing her. Worse, what if she didn't even notice that the caregiver who was now taking care of her, was not me. There for only a short few hours, my mind wouldn't rest and my emotions couldn't freeze. My baby girl is now quickly growing up. My fears are now becoming reality. I never truely understood why people would always say how eightteen years could fly by within the blink of an eye, until i felt six months and three weeks pass in one day.